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Auto Analyzer ¥±Ûö°ú Dextrostix Ûö¿¡ ëîÇÑ úìïñïÒåÖ¿¡ μÇÏ¿© Blood Sugar Determinations Using Auto Analyzer ¥± and Dextrostix-Reflectance Meter Methods

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1976³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.123 ~ 126
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ä¹ü¼®(óùÛôà¸)/B. S. Tchai ³²·Õ°­(ÑõÖéË°)/Á¤¿µÁø(ïËçÈòå)/Y. K. Nam/Y. J. Chung


Recently the utility of the Dextrostix blood sugar estimation method has been greatly
increased by the ues of the reflectance meter which was devided for quantitative
reading of color change in Dextrostix
A comparison study of 300 blood sugar determinations were done using blood serum
from in patient and patients attanding diabetic clinic.
The Dextrostix-Reflectance meter method was used and the results were compared to
an Auto Analyzer ¥± method.
The correlation of these blood sugar results with those obtained with an Auto Analyzer
¥± method was very high (r=0.996) and the replication of the Dextrostix-Refectance
meter method by the different experimenters was also satisfactory.
These results indicate that Dextrostix-Reflectance meter is a simple and reliable for
estimating the blood sugar level if procedure are accurctely performed.


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