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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 2È£ p.97 ~ 112
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±è¼¼È£(ÐÝá¦ûÇ)/Se-Ho Kim ¹Ú±æ¼ö(ÚÓÑÎâ³)/±è»óÀÎ(ÐÝßÓìÒ)/Sang-ln BiM/Kil-Soo Park


Various techniques to detect the immundozical functions of the lymphocytes has been
developed. The authors establishing a stable techniques, performed the quantitations of
rosette forming T-Iymphocyte(RP-TL) and phytohemagglutinin(PHA) stimulated
Iymphocyte transformation rate(LTR) with 3H-thymidine uptake in in-vitro culture to
define the characteristics of cellular immunity of Korean children, adults, and aged
persons together with patients in various diseases. To standardize the potency of PHA,
the authors used self-made saline extract of phaseolus vulgaris(PV) standardized by
commercially available PHA.
The results are summarized as follows :
1) The proportion of RF-TL was variable depending on individuality of sheeps ranging
from 32¡¾8.1 to 70.1¡¾5.6% in total RF-TL and from 9.8¡¾2.8 to 36.9¡¾6.0% in active
RF-TL in normal adnet. The most stable result was obtained by the concentration of
1.0% SRBC.
2) The propertion of total RF-TL in normal Koreans were 68.4¡¾14.6% in adults, 65.6¡¾
12.4% in children and 59.2¡¾18.3% in old ages while the active RF-TL were 30.4¡¾8.9%
in children, 25.3¡¾7, 4% in adults and 23.1¡¾10.4% in old ages.
3) By means of our own self-made extract of P.V. the 3H-thymidine uptake of the
peripheral blood lymphocytes was about 3% lower than that of foreign-made
commercially available PHA but its blagtogenesis was almost same with the latter. The
PV-LTR were 68.6+17.6% in adult, 61.0+7.5% in old ages and 58.4¡¾12.3% in children.
4) The RF-TL of cancer patients lower than that of normals and it was especially so in
patients with extensive metastasis. The acute lymphoid leukemia patients disclosed the
lowest RF-TL valves among the stuffy groups.
5) The PV-LTR in cancer patients was lowest in chronic lymphoid leukemia following
the stomach cancer, lung cancer, hematoma, lymptoma and acute lymphoid leukemia in
decreasing order of transformation rates. The PV-LTR were higher than normal controls
in infectious mononucleosis and congenital syphilis while it was similar to normals in
aplastic anemias.
6) The PV-LTR and RF-TL performed at the same time disclosed the following
features i a) In normal subjects, the RF-TL was lowest in old ages while the PV-LTR
was lowest in children. b) In cancer patients, the PV-LTR was more significantly
decreased than RF-TL suggesting more pronounced alteration or impairment of in vitro
viability and/or DNA synthetic activity than the natural membrane-bound immune
characters in their lymphocytes.


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