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øË(Æó)¿¡ ê«Û¡(¿ø¹ß)ÇÑ àéë«àõ(¼¶À¯¼º) ðÚòÄϹðþ(Á¶Á÷±¸Á¾) 1çÓ(¿¹) A Case of Primary Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Lung

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 2È£ p.141 ~ 148
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ÀÌ°è¼÷(×ÝÌùâ×)/Kye Sooh Lee ±èÃá¿ø(ÐÝõðêª)/±è±âÈ«(ÐÝѹûó)/±è±ÙÈ£(ÐÝÐÎûà)/Choon Won Kim/Kun Ho Kim/Ki Hong Bim


Fibrous histiocytoma had been introduced by Brunn in 1939 as a name of "tennis ball
tumor", and also diagnosed with various names, such as xanthoma, xanthofibroma,
xanthogranuloma, sclerosing hemangioma, histiocytoma and inflammatory pseudotumor.
This tumor is originated from histiocyte and has occurred most commonly in skin,
tendon, joint and soft tissue, but quite rarely has occurred in the lung.
It has been reported about 40 cases in the world otherwise this case is probable for
the first case in Korea.
The authors here present a case of primary fibrous histiocytoma of the lung on
September 1976. A 29-year-old Korean male was admitted to Han Yang University
because of dyspnea and chest pain on right lower lung area. Chest X-ray revealed two
large mass densities in right hilum and right lower lung field. A bilobectomy of upper
and middle lobes of the right lung was performed which shows two well circumscribed
masses measuring 4¡¿2.5cm and 7¡¿6cm in dimensions, respectively which was pale
yellow in color and soft to friable consistency. Histopathologically, this tumor consists of
histiocytes which is intermingled in the fibrous stroma with fibroblasts and fibrocytes
arranged in a storiform pattern, and xanthomatous pattern of foam cells which is
confirmed by the Masson trichrome, PAS, oil red O and reticulum stain.


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