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êáÛ®(À¯¹æ)¿¡ ê«Û¡(¿ø¹ß)ÇÑ á¬ØÑá¬øàë¿ðþ(¼¼¸Á¼¼Æ÷À°Á¾) 1çÓ(¿¹) A Case of Primary Reticulum Cell Sarcoma of the Breast -A Case Report and Literature Review-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 2È£ p.149 ~ 156
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ÀÌ°è¼÷(×ÝÌùâ×)/Kye Sook Lee ±èÃá¿ø(ÐÝõðêª)/±è±âÈ«(ÐÝѹûó)/Àü±Ô¿µ(îïÐ¥ç´)/Kyu Young Jun/Choon Won Kim/Ki Hong Kim


A case of reticulum cell sarcoma of the breast is presented who is a 38-year-old
Korean house wife and she died at twelfth day after simple mastectomy, but
unfortunately we couldn't knave autopsy and also we had a literature review of primary
reticulum cell sarcoma of breast.
Primary lymphosarcoma of the breast is relatively rare malignant neoplasm and rapidly
progressive, aggressive disease in the majority.
Radical surgery with supplemental irradiation of the breast is recommended. This tumor
is consisted of well circumscribed hard mashes, measuring 3.0 X 3.0cm to 4.5¡¿4.0cm,
which has partial adhesion to the chest wall and multilocular cystic changes measuring
10¡¿4cm which contains hemorrhagic content.


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