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à»ô¸àõ(¼±Ãµ¼º) ÛÜúìÜ»(¹éÇ÷º´) Congenital Leukemia -A case report with autopsy findings and literature review-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 2È£ p.173 ~ 182
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È«¼÷Èñ(ûóâ×ýï)/sook Hee Hong ±èÃá¿ø(ÐÝõðêª)/±è±âÈ«(ÐÝѹûó)/Choon Won Kim/Ki Hong Kim


We have experienced a case of congenital leukemia in a six-month-old male child
with chief complaints of petectial hemorrhages on whole body surface, mild fever and
diarrhea for 3 months before admission to HYUH on 12th, April, 1976.
Although the first symptoms are noted at third month after birth, the clinical,
hematologic and pathologic findings are consistent with the findings of congenital
The important findings in autopsy are a diffuse hemorrhage throughout the right
ventricular wall of the heart and a focal hemorrhage in the right frontal lobe of the
cerebrum, which were thought to be the critical cause of death in this patient. The
microscopic findings revealed severe leukemic infiltrations of the liver, heart, kidneys,
thymus, lymphnodes, bone marrow, esophagus, stomach, intestine, pancreas and skin as
well as vascular engorgements of the cerebrum, cerebellun. midbrain and lungs.


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