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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 3È£ p.199 ~ 206
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¼Û°è¿ë(áäÌöéÄ)/Kye Yong Song ÇÔÀÇ°ï(ùàëöÍâ)/Á¶¼öÇå(ðáâ³úÊ)/À±´ö³ë(ëÅÓìÒÇ)/Keun Ham/Soo Hun Cho/Dork Ro Yu


Carbon monoxide poisoning was the one of the most serious and important problem of
public health of Korea because of the use of anthracite coal briquette as the main
domestic fuel.
There was strong presumtive clinical data that carbon monoxide poisoning during
pregnancy can result in major malfomation secondary to apparant hypoxia. In attempting
to unravel the mechanism behind the process of abortion, a careful study of the
pathologic attention is the placenta would seem in seem in essential part.
It was purpose of this report to describe the histologic changes in the placentas of the
rats when animals were exposed to carbon monoxide in low concentration and long term
during pregnancy.
Experimental groups consists of 13 control and 18 pregnant rats. Animals were
exposed to 1,000 ppm of carbon monoxide for 60 minutes daily throughout the
gestational period.
Pathologic changes in the placentas of rats of group of long term exposure of low
concentrated carbon monoxide were summarized as follows :
1. In the labyrinth of exposure group were seen marked dilatation of maternal sinuses
with vascular congestion and focal sinusoidal rupture, the degree of which were more
promenent in the zone of periphery than central area. Sinusoidal walls near the basal
zone showed moderate septal thickening as well as diffuse degeneration of trophobla sts
such as nuclear swelling, pyknosis and loss of nucleoli. Isalnds of gylcogen cells and
multinucleted giant cells were scattered throughout the labyrinth.
2. In the basal zone of exposure group were seen marked cytolysis of glycogen cells
and degeneration of giant cells as well as marked vascular congestion and occasional
thrombosis of maternal blood channels. Fibrinoid necrosis of decidua was relatively
higher in the exposure group than the control rats.
3. In the epithelium of yolk sac was seen considerably intensified vacuolar degeneration
in the exposure group than control ones.
(This study was supported in part by the research grant (C.M.B. 74-332-5), the China
Medical Board of New York)


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