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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 3È£ p.207 ~ 216
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¹Ú¸íÈñ(ÚÓÙ¥ýï)/Myoung Hee Park ±è¿ëÀÏ(ÑÑé¸ìé)/±èÁ¤¼÷(ÑÑïöâ×)/Yong Il Kim/Chung Sook Kim


Carcinoid tumors of the ovary are rare, comprising about 0.1 percent of all ovarian
neoplasms, and account for less than 1 percent of all carcinoids in the body. Since the
first two cases of ovarian carcinoid were described in 1939 by Stewart et a1., both
primary and less often metastatic forms have been accumulated in the literature.
The most common is primary in the ovary, growing in an insular pattern, typically
observed in carcinoids arising in the midgut derivatives ; around 70 cases of this type
have been documented in the world literature. Less often ovarian carcinoids of trabecular
pattern observed in carcinoids arising in the foregut and the hindgut derivatives have
been described. There also have been some reported cases of struma carcinoid of the
ovary. Most primary ovarian carcinoids are associated with benign cystic teratomas, but
some occur in apparently pure form.
To our best knowledge, there has been no single proven case of primary ovarian
carcinoid in the Korean literature. Authors are to describe a histochemically and ultra-
structurally proven case of a nonfunctioning primary ovarian carcinoid of insular pattern
associated with an otherwise classical cystic teratoma in a 44 year-old Korean female
Clinical Summary
A moderately developed and nourished 44 year-old Korean female patient was
admitted to the Seoul National University Hospital in July 1974, complaining of dull
lower abdominal pain of several months duration. Otherwise she had carried out healthy
life. On admission body temperature was 36.8¡É, pulse rate 76/min and blood pressure
140/90 mmHg. Auscultation of the chest and heart were normal. Pelvic and rectal
examination revealed a double fist sized, doughy and movable right sided intrapelvic
mass, and an ovarian cyst was suspected. Routine laboratory finding and chest X-ray
film were unremarkable. Urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid was not determined, and
evidence of flushing or diarrhea was not recorded.
Operation was performed under the impression of ovarian cyst ; there was a large
cystic mass on the site of right ovary but with no adhesion to the surrounding
structures. Left ovary was grossly normal. Liver, peritoneal cavity and gastrointestinal
tract were free. Hysterectomy and right salpingo-ooph-orectomy were carried out.
Hospital course was uneventful and she was discharged at the 8th hospital day, and
was lost thereafter for further follow up.


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