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øËÌ¿ú·Ü»áµ°¡ Ѩηò¨ïÄäûÝÂÝôàÍ¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ç¯ú¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Study of Mucous Gland Hypertrophy of Draining Bronchus in Pulmonary Tuberculous Lesion

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 11±Ç 4È£ p.335 ~ 340
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ÇÔÀDZÙ(ùàëöÐÆ)/Eui Keun Ham


Observation on bronchial gland hypertrophy of draining bronchus in pulmonary
tuberculous lesions were made on 32 male and 6 female lobectomied cases. Ages of the
cases ranged from 21 to 53 years. Three sections were taken from the definite sites of
the draining bronchus of each case for this study, and the mucous gland thickness, in
millimeters, and the Reid index were calculated from these mean values.
The general mean values for the Reid index were 0.486(0.483 in male and 0.506 in
female) and for the mucous gland thickness were 0.241mm(0.238mm in male and
0.255mm in female) .
Mucous gland hypertrophy was observed most frequently in cases with complete
encapsulated lesion of tuberculoma in lung(mean Reid index, 0.648) and next was with
non-cavitary caseous lesion of lung in orders.
In the drained bronchus, the mucous gland hypertrophy appear to be more vulnerable
to bronchial lesion of multiple tubercles forming bronchitis with ulceration and squamous
cell metaplasia.


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