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ùÛÏÐìÑ êáÛ®ðþåËÀÇ Ü»×âùÊîÜ Ëþßã Pathologic Study on Tumors of Breast

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.9 ~ 13
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ÀÌ»ó±¹(×ÝßÆÏÐ)/Sang Kook Lee ¾È±àȯ(äÌÐæüº)/Geung Hwan Ahn


A histopathologic study was made on 268 cases of tumors of the breast, which were
obtained during a period of 5 years, from 1970 to 1974, at the Department of Pathology,
College of medicine, Seoul National University, and the results were as follow;
1. Two hundred and sixty-eight tumors of the breast examined consist of 155 benign
tumors and 113 malignant tumors.
2. Among benign tumors, fibroadenoma is the most prevalent (95.5 %) and shows
highest incidence in the age group of 20¡­29.
3. The mean age of female breast carcinoma is 45.1 years.
4. Site incidence of female breast carcinoma is highest in outer upper quadrant of
breast and frequent clinical symptoms include lump (89 %), nipple discharge (12 %),
pain in breast (7 %) and nipple retraction (6 %) in order of frequency.
5. Among various histopathologic types of breast carcinoma, infiltrating duct carcinoma
with productive fibrosis is most prevalent (66.4 %) and shows the highest rate of node
involvement (80.8 %)


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