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Paper disk Ûö¿¡ ëîÇÑ ÷©â©ûùÚª ÝÂú° ãùúÐÀÇ ÝïÎòæÚϼ A Study on the Possibility for the Replacement of the Conventional Carbohydrate Fermentation by the Disk paper Method

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.31 ~ 38
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ÀÌÇö¼÷(×Ýúçâ×)/Hyun Sook Lee ±èÀμ±(ÑÑìÒà¹)/Ȳ¼±Ã¶(üÜà¼ôÉ)/¹é½Â¿ë(ÛÜã¯éÌ)/In Sun Kim/Sun Chul Whang/Seung Yong Paik


The use of carbohydrate fermentation tests has teen widely employed in the
identificaton and the classification of various species of micro-organisms. The
characteristics of the bacterial metabolism differ even within the same species depending
upon its energy requirement a digestive patterns. The majority types of carbohydrate
fermentation tests have been based on the fact that a certain micro-organism uses
carbohydrates as an energy supply source and yields some metabolites by action of type
specific enzymes.
The study had been concentrated on the possibility whether the conventional
fermentation tests could be replaced by the disk paper method, and concluded as
1. Between the data obtained by the test tube and the disk parer methods of
carbohydrate fermentation, there was practically little discrepancy as for the fermentation
2. The most acceptable concentration of carbohydrates preparing the disk paper was 5
percent while 10 and 20 percents showed the zone of inhibition to the high acidity
produced around the disks.
3. Generally, the acidification of the media can be read between 6 and 8 hours of
incubation followed by the inoculation, therefore preliminary or complete identification
can be cut at least one day. Consequently the laboratory data can reach at the
physician's hand a day earlier.
4. The disk paper method is proved to be much economic in the aspects of reagent,
media, man power, and most of all, the time of identification still exhibiting the accuracy
and the reliability.


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