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Pseudomonas aeruginosa°¡ ´Ù¸¥ íóÒ®á¬Ð¶¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â Û¡ëÀåäð¤Òö¿¡ μÇÑ ãùúÐ The Antagonistic Effect of Ps. aeruginosa against so,e Enteric Bacteria

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 46
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ħ±¤°©(öØÎÃË£)/Kwang Gab Sim ±èÀμ±(ÐÝìÒà¹)/Ȳ¼±Ã¶(üÜà¼ôÉ)/¹é½Â·æ(ÛÜã¯×£)/In Sun Kim/Sun Chul Whang/Seung Yong Paik


Some genera of micro-organisms produce bacterial metabolites that have antibiotic
effect against same species and to other genera of bacteria as well. The known bacteria
which can affect the intact cells of other bacteria are mostly gram negative bacilli such
as E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa, V. cholerae and Y. pestis.
The most responsible substances inhibiting the bacterial growh are known grossly as
bacteriocin, and subsequently named as colicin, pyocin, vibriocin and pesticin according
to the bacteria from which these metabolites are derived. The study had been conducted
to see the antagonistic effect of Ps. aeruginosa against some enteric bacteria, both
pathogenes and normal flora, and gram positive cocci. The experiment yielded the
following results:
1. The antagonistic effect of Ps. aeruginosa against the testing strains was confirmed,
but the degree of the effect varied not only depending upon the age of the strains, but
also to the organisms.
2. Dilution of the Ps. aerugionsa bacterial suspension decreased the potency of the
effect, however, rendered the quantitative estimation of the inhibitory effect.
3. The quantitative analysis showed that the antagonistic effect of Ps. aeruginosa
proved weaker against the other genera of bacteria than against the same species. This
definite difference in degree of inhibitory action indicated the possibility of its application
in the identification of the clinical bacteriology employing the principle of the type
4. It was also interesting that the antagonistic effect of Ps. aeruginosa was not only
inhibitory against gram negative bacilli, but also against the highly resistant
gram-positive cocci, Staphylococcus aureus.


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