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ÜÙË·Ò®ÀÇ Fibromatosis Fibromatosis Involving Abdominal Cavity (Report of a Case)

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.55 ~ 60
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Çã¹Ì°æ(úÉÚ¸ÌÏ)/Mi Kyung Hur ±è¼±¹«(ÐÝà¼Ùë)/ÀÌÁ¾¹«(×Ýñ£Ùë)/Sun Moo Kim/Chong Moo Lee


Fibromatosis is a low grade malignant proliferation of fibrous tissus which is thought
to be arising primarily from fascial sheaths and musculoaponeurotic structures in various
parts of the body. However, fibromatosis involving abdominal viscera is only rarely
encountered, and in our knowledge only about 47 cases have been reported in literature
of the western world, and so far no case report has been published in korea. In January
1975, we experienced a case of fibromatosis involving abdominal viscera occurring in a
18 years old you female. The chief complaints are constipation, abdominal discomfortness
and large palpable mass on the left lower quadrant for several months. On a exploratory
laparatomy, abdominal cavity showed a large tumor mass which was adhered to the
outer surface of sigmoid colon, and another tumor mass which was densely adhered to
the splenic capsule and tail of pancreas. Lumpectomy, sigmoid colectomy, splenectomy
and removal of tail of pancreas was done under the clinical impression of leiomyoma or
teratoma. Grossly, a tumor mass which was firmly attached to the sigmoid colon
measured 11.3¡¿9.5¡¿7.5cm. and weighed 1180 grams altogether. The mass had white
gray smooth external surface and fish-flesh like solid and moderately firm cut surface.
Another tumor mass which was tightly adhered to splenic capsule and tail of pancreas
was 7¡¿4¡¿3cm. On cut section, the mass was tightly adhered to the portion of splenic
capsule and infiltrated into pancreatic tissue. Microscopically, a mass attached to the
outer surface of colon and another tumor mass attached to the splenic capsule and tail
of pancreas showed proliferation of relatively mature fibrous tissue with a moderately
rich amount of collagen fibers. Occasional mitoses were noted. These proliferating
fibrous tissue were found to be deeply infiltrating to the pancreas tissue, and firmly
adherent to the serosa of colon and splenic capsule.
A brief review of the literature on fibromatosis was done.


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