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ÑëáµÀÇ äÂàõ Ë£ßÒàÍðþ Malignant Strums Ovarii (Report of a Case)

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.61 ~ 66
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Çã¹Ì°æ(úÉÚ¸ÌÏ)/Mi Kyung Hur ÀÌÁ¾¹«(×Ýñ£Ùë)/Chong Moo Lee


Struma ovarii is a neoplastic disease of the ovary occasionally encountered associated
with dermoid cyst, or mucinous cystadenoma or rarely as an exclusive neoplastic tissue.
However, malignant struma ovarii is only rarely encountered, and in our knowledge only
37 cases have been reported in the literature of the western world, and no case report
has been published in Korea. In April 1975, we experienced a case of malignant strums
ovarii occurring 54 years o1d menopausal woman. On Physical examination, a huge
lower adominal palpable mass was noted. A total hysterectomy and bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy was done under the diagnosis of the right ovarian tumor. The
pathological examination of the present case showed menopausal uterus with inactive
endometrium and chronic cervicitis. The right ovary was enlarged, weighing 1,400
grams, and had tan gray rather smooth external surface. Microscopically, the right ovary
showed a struma ovarii, 17¡¿14¡¿8cm, with indistinct demarcation of the mass with clear
follicular pattern and with undisputably malignant cellula details showing distinct
vascular invasions. Though search for, other neoplastic component was not found. The
left ovary showed a dermoid cyst, 7¡¿5¡¿5cm, of benign morphology. Findings of both
fallopian tubes were not remarkable.
A brief review of the literature on the malignant strums ovarii was done.


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