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Û¡íÂàõ å¨Êà úìßäáÈèññøÀÇ 1çÓ A Case of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 2È£ p.187 ~ 192
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¹è⿬(ÛÑóãæÖ)/C.H. Bae ±è°æ¼±(ÐÝÌÈà¼)/½Å°æÈ£(ãéÌ×)/±èÀç½Ä(ÐÝî¤ãÕ)/±èÁ߸í(ÐÝñìÙ¥)/K.H. Shin/K.S. Kim/J.S. Kim/J.M. Kim


Clinical and laboratory observation were made in a case of paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria(PNH). The patient was 20-years old male college student, who was
admitted with chief complaint of general weakness with dyspnea on exertion and dark
brown urine.
The peripheral blood revealed severe anemia with reticulocytosis, moderate increased
bilirubin, positive Ham's test and positive on sucrose hemolysis test. Marked homogl-
obinuria and hemosiderinuria on urinalysis and the bone marrow aspiration showed
normocellular with markedly erythroid hyperplasia.
The findings of chest X-ray and ECG were in normal limits.
He was treated with packed cell transfusion and dischared with clinical improvement
of hemoglobinuria.


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