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Light and electron microscopic observation of a case of functioning pheochromocytoma
arising from the right adrenal gland of 67 year old man were made. Chief clinical
complaints were paroxysmal hypertension, sweating, palpitation and flushing of the face
for 1 year peroid. Pertinent laboratory findings were 24 hour urinary catecholamine
content of 6,307 §¶ and 25.8 mg of VMA. Hemogranl showed 18mg% of hemoglobin and
53% of hematocrit values.
Extirpated right adrenal consisted of a well encapsulated tumor mass weighing 30§·s
and measuring 7 cm in the greatest diameter. Cut surface revealed gray to brown color
with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Microscopically, the tumor showed various shape
of large cells containing chromaffin granules in cytoplasm by special staining. On
electron microscopy, cytoplasm of the tumor cells was packed with round to oval dense
cored secretory granules surrounded by clear halo which are limited by a single
membrane. The majority of granules were norepinephrine type and only a few were
epinephrine type.
Postoperatively, all clinical symptoms disappeared and erythrocytosis returned to normal


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