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³­¼Ò¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Sek Cord Tumor with Annular Tubules-1·Êº¸°í ¹× ¹®Çå°íÀü- Sex Cord Tumor with Annular Tubules-A Case report with review of the literature-

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The rare "sex cord tumor with annular tutules" is commonly multifocal and of
microscopic size and histologically characterized by the presence of simple and complex
annular tubules with hyaline bodies and a tendency to calcification. It is thought to prise
from granulosa cells but to grow in a pattern of Sertoli ceIls. It occurs
disproportionateIy often in patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. In some cases,
estrogenic manifestations are present. There is vigorous histogenic and taxonomic
controversy in ovarian stroma and sex cord origin tumors including sex cord tumor with
annular tubules. It is due in part to a lack of agreement regarding basic embryologic
concepts of gonadogenesis and in part to the potential of genital ridges for
differentiating in either testis or ovary.
Recently authors experienced a case of sex cord tumor with annular tubules in a 11
year old female who revealed precocious breast enlargement and the emergence of pubic
and axillary hairs. The size of the tumor(25¡¿15¡¿15cm) seemed to be the largest among
the reported cases and the histology is identical with Scully's cases. A case report with
review of the literature was performed.


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