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Æó¾Æ¼¼Æ÷Á¾ 1 ¿¹ Pulmonary blastoma-A case report-

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The case was a foully years old man who was admitted with complaints of left chest
pain and dyspnea.
X-ray of the chest revealed a relatively round and well defined mass shadow in the
left lower lobe of the lung. Left lower lobectomy was performed under the diagnosis of
a tumor.
Grossly, a large, soft, necrotic and friable tumor wart located at the peripheral portion
of the lobe. No encapsulation was noted tut the border was relatively well demarcated.
Microscopically, the tumor was composed of tubular and glandular epithelial component
and spindle-shaped stromal element. Both element exhibited malignant nature. The
Picture looked like a carcinosarcoma on one hand, and reminiscent to developing fetal
lung one the other hand. After reviewing of the literature, the lesion is best considered
to a case of pulmonary blastoma which differ in prognosis from carcinosarcoma.


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