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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 4È£ p.375 ~ 382
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¹ÚÈ¿¼÷(ÚÓüøâ×)/Hyo Sook Park ±¸Àü¼ö(Îøîöâ¯)/À̺´µÎ(×ÝܹÔà)/Hae Soo Koo/Byung Doo Lee


A subtotally removed stomach of a 47 year old male patient which has two separate
protruded lesions, papillary adenoma and atypical epithelial lesion, was examined with
histotopographic reconstruction method. Both lesions were associated similarly with
diffuse dysplastic epithelial changes, and the former, papillary adenoma, demonstrated
focal malignant change with submucosal invasion.
Dysplasia or cellular atypism accompanied by the papillary adenoma or atypical
epithelial lesions (often called as borderline lesion, tubular adenorna, or adenomatous
polyp) has the evidence of malignant potential and must be carefully examined for
coexisting carcinoma or indepencent carcinoma in neighboring gastric mucosa. A more
radical surgical approach than other benign gastric polyps is required for these lesions.


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