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¹éÇ÷º´ 73·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»ó°íÂû ¹× °Ë»ç¼Ò°ß¿¡ °üÇÑ °Ë»ö A Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation of 73 Cases of Leukemia.

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 4È£ p.391 ~ 398
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Seventy three cases of leukemia admitted to the Korea University Hospital during the
last 8 years, from January 1971 to July 1978, were analyzed on the basis of age and
sex distribution, type, initial symptomes, initial physical findings and laboratory findings.
The results are as followings.
1. The most frequent age group of leukemia was under 10 year group and difference of
sex ratio was not found.
2. The ratio of acute to chronic in overall cases was 12 : 1 and the most common type
among overall cases was acute myelocytic type.
3. The distrbution of each type of crises by age group revealed that the lymphocytic
type being most common in under 10 year group. Acute and chronic myelocytic type
show even distribution in each age group from under 10 year group to 6th decade
4. Chief complaints were bleeding tendency, pain, fever, fatigue and pale face in order
of frequency.
5. The most frequent finding in initial physical examination was bleeding
tendency(58.6%) in acute myelocytic type and hepatomegaly(81.5%) in acute lymphocytic
6. In initial laboratory examination, hemoglobin level under l0gm % was noted in 89.7%
of acute myelocytic leukemia, 96.3% of acute lymphocytic leukemia and 80% of chronic
myelocytic leukemia cases. Leukocytosis over 10,000/mm3 was seen in
55.2% in acute myelocytic leukemia, 63% in acute lymphocytic leukemia and 100% in
chronic myelocytic leukemia. And thrombocytopenia under 100,000/mm3
was observed in 73.9% of acute myelocytic leukemia and 65.2% of acute lymphocytic


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