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ñìñø üîõùñø¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ä¤ÇÑ û¿ß«Ï¹ ñòÊ¥ñø 1çÓ Seuere Eosinophilia due to Missive Ascariasis

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 12±Ç 4È£ p.449 ~ 454
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ÀÌ°è¼÷(×ÝÌùâ×)/Kye Sook Lee ¼­»ó¿­(ßïßÓæï)/¹Ú½Âö(ÚÓã³ôÉ)/±èÃá¿ø(ÐÝõðêª)/±è±âÈ«(ÐÝѹûó)/Sang Yeul Suh/Seung Chull Park/Choon Won Kim/Ki Hong Kim


Eosinophilia occurs in allergic disease in certain skin disease, in parasitic infestation, in
a few infectious disease (scarlet fever), in some cases of Hodgkin's disease and chronic
myelogenous leukemia. Parasitic infestation is more likely to produce eosinophilia when
the parasites invade the tissue, e.g., trichinosis the larval migratory stage of ascariasis,
cysticercosis, visceral larval migrans and ecchinococcosis.
Patient with pulmonary ascariasis shows the peak of the eosinophilia from 30 to 70 per
cent. But, in intestinal parasitism, eosinophilia is less marked.
The presented case was a 64 year-old female who was admitted to medical department
of HUH with chief complaints of right upper abdominal & epigastric pain, anorexia,
indigestion and constipation.
Under the diagnosis of intestinal ascariasis, the patient was medicated with Combantrin
for four days. In stool, 152 adult worms were found. At admission time, hematologic
finding was revealed with 73% of eosinophils in total leukocyte counts. No evidence of
pneumonitis is noted on chest X-ray.


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