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ùÛÏÐìÑÀÇ ÷åÛ¡àõ úìá³÷ù Êõá´àõ í¹Úìñø 42¿¹¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÍÅóÌ(°íÂû) A Collective Survey on Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Korea

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 44
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Çã¹Ì°æ(úÉÚ¸ÌÏ)/Mi Kyung Hur Á¶ÁøÈñ(ðáòäý÷)/ÀÌÁ¾¹«(×Ýñ£Ùë)/Chin Hee Cho/Chong Moo Lee


Clinical analysis of 42 cases with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, diagnoses by
bone marrow examination in department of clinical pathology of the Catholic Medical
Center for 10 years, was made and following results were obtained.
1. The sex and age distribution were summarized in Table 12.
Of the total 42 cases, the 0-9 years occupied 63.6% in acute form and 10 years or over
67.7% in chronic form.
Male to female ratio was 1.8 : 1 in acute form and 1 : 2.1 in chronic form.
2. Clinical manifestations at first examination revealed bleeding tendencies in all crises,
in which being petechiae and ecchymosis, nasal bleeding, gum bleeding, vaginal bleeding
3. Among the laboratory findings, the platelets counts revealed below
50,000/mm3 for 77% of cases recorded (Table 4).
The bleeding time was prolonged in 61.5% of the cases recorded (Table 8).
4. The analysis of bone marrow findings revealed hypocellularity in 7%,
Normocellularity in 71%, and hypercellularity in 22% of the 41 cases recorded (Table 9).
The myeloid-erythroid ratio was decreased in 40% because of bleeding tendencies.
Megakaryocytes revealed normal or increase in relative number in 95%, and relative
increase of immature forms, poor granularity of the cytoplasm and decrease of platelet
production in almost all cases.


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