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Á÷Àå¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Àڱ󻸷Áõ¼º Æú¸³ Endometriotic Polyp of Rectum -A Case Report-

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Bowel involvement of endometriosis often presents as partial obstruction in mensturally
active women. However, mucosal involvement of endometriosis in the form of typical
adenomatous polyp with stalk is extremely rare. This lesion as we called "endometriotic
polyp", should be included in the differential diagnosis of colonic polyps.
This case ie a 44 years old woman who has had a three years history of "hemorrhoid".
She presented obstruction symptoms and signs with palpable polypoid masses in the
The operation revealed massive adhesion and endometriomas in pelvic cavity and
sigmoidrectum with scattered endometriotic nodules on the serosa. Radical resection of
sigmoid and rectum together with hysterectomy under an impression of rectal cancer
was performed.
Pathologically, rectum was stenosed, and the mucosal surface showed multiple polyps
with definite stalks, ranging in size from 0.8cm. to 2.0cm. in diameter as shown in Fig.
1. The wall of the involved rectum was thickened diffusely to measure up to 2cm. No
ulceration or hemorrhage was present. Microscopically, sections from various parts of
the rectum showed small and large foci of endometriosis. The endometriotic tissue
consisted of microcystic glands and abundant dense stroma, and is well defined from
surrounding intestinal structure. The endemetrial tissue was stained blue with Masson's
trichrome and was in strong contrast with smooth muscle. Endometriotic foci was seen
transmurally including submucosa and muscularia externa. Sections from mucosal polyps
showed intact colonic epithelial covering and underlying endometrial manses comprising
the most portion of core of the polyps.(Fig.2-4) The endometrial glands in polyps
showed focal cystic dilatation. No ulceration of the covering epithelium was seen.


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