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³­¼ÒÀÇ Malignant Endometrioid Tumor 3¿¹ º¸°í A Case Report of Three Malignant Endometrioid Tumors of Ovary

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The endometrioid carcinoma is a primary neoplasm of the ovary which on light and
electron microscopy, closely resembles adenocarcinoma of the uterine endometrium. It is
one of the common ovarian carcinoma, but frequently diagnosed as unclassified adeno-
carcinoma or other types of adenocarcinoma due to histological variabilties of the tumor.
The mesodermal mixed tumor of the ovary is a combined epithelial and mesenchymal
neoplasm containing heterologous elements. This tumor is closely related with carcino-
sarcomas having homologous mesenchymal elements but differential diagnosis must be
done due to better prognosis in carcinosarcoma.
Histogenesis of endometrioid carcinoma and mesodermal mixed tumor are controversial
but at present, most pathologists believe that these tumors are considered to originate
from ovarian endometriosis, Mullerian or surface epithelium of the ovary. According to
WHO classification, these tumors are categorized in malignant endometrioid tumors of
the ovary
We report two cases of endometrioid carcinoma and one case of mesodermal mixed
tumor of the ovary.


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