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Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy with Dysproteinemia -1¿¹ º¸°í- Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy with Dysproteinemia -Report of a Case-

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A new clinico-pathologic disease of Iymphoid system has been reported as immuno-
blastic Iymphadenopathy by Lukes and Tindle and as angioimmunoblastic Iymph-
adenopathy with dysproteinemia (AILD) by Frizzera et. at.
Clinically it occurs most commonly in elder person is characterized by acute onset of
constitutional symptoms, generalized Iymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly and immuno-
logic abnormalitis such as consistent polyclonal gammopathy and often hemolytic anemia.
Histologically it has a diagnostic triad ; 1) loss of nodal architecture and pleomorphic
infiltration of immunoblasts, plasmacytoid immunoblasts, plasma cells and Iymphocytes,
2) prominent proliferation of arborizing small vessels and 3) deposit of PAS-positive
amorphous material in the interstitium.
We report here a case of angioimmunoblastic Iymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia of
a 64 year old male patient and review the literature.


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