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ýåìÚá¬øàòàÀ¸·Î õÏïÒµÈ Chordoma 1çÓ Chordoma Presumed from Aspirated Materials -A Case Report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 2È£ p.163 ~ 168
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±èÀç½Ä(ÐÝî¤ãÕ)/Jae Sik Kim


Chordoma was suspected with the aspirated materials from 18 year-old woman high
school girl complaining of severe pain on sacrococcygeal region and legs as well as
walking disturbance over a year.
The first tiny biopsy piece of sacrococcygeal region revealed only nonspecific chronic
inflammation. No response to antibiotic and conservative therapy.
An aspiration cytology and cell block preparation were done. The former revealed very
characteristic vacuolated physaliferous cells in considerable numbers and the later
showed same cells as well as foci of cells mimicking osteogenic sarcoma.
Another biopsy obtained at the other hospital in Seoul revealed the lobulated groups
of similar vacuolated cells mentioned as above were separated by fibrous tissue and foci
of the aggregation of aggressive cells.


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