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MHA-TP 1 îÙÛö One Drop Method of MHA-TP

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 2È£ p.169 ~ 174
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±è°æ¼±(ÐÝÌÈà¼)/Kyung Sun Kim ±èÀç½Ä(ÐÝî¤ãÕ)/Jae Sik Kim


One drop method of micro-TPHA(MHA-TP) using one drop of TP sensitized sheep
red blood cells instead of three drops was evaluated for screening and the specific
serological test for syphilis.
Macro-tray method revealed almost same patterns of reaction in both two drops and 1
drop. In the later the ring of red cell pack is more dense and sharp than 2 drops
method, in negative.
The micro-tray method revealed also clear cut patterns of reaction in positive and
negative results.
The test cost may be reduced from 1/2 to 1/3 of original test cost by one drop
The micro-tray method is prefered to recommend on account of the conveniency.
One drop method appeared to be both the economical screening and specific confirma-
tion for syphilis when one drop method is applied together with VDRL and RPR test.


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