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ÊÜíô¿¡¼­ Û¡ßæÇÑ Êàç¨àõ Φè¦ðþ 1çÓ Infantile Mesenehymal Hamartoma of Liver -A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 3È£ p.259 ~ 262
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¾çµ¿¿í(åÄÔÔéï)/Dong Wook Ryang À±°­Çõ(ëÅˬúÒ)/À¯ÁÖ¿ë(׳ñºé»)/Kang Hyuk Yoon/Joo Yong Yoo


A case of mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver in a Korean infant,12 month old, is
reported and relevant literature are briefly reviewed. Abdominal distention and palpable
abdominal mass became manifest about 1 month before admission.
The tumor was found attached by a pedicle to the inferior margin of the right lobe of
the liver, measured 13¡¿12¡¿8cm and weighed 800gm.
Successful surgical resection was made.
Pathological findings were typical of mesenchymal hamartoma.


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