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¼ºÀο¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ½Å¾Æ¼¼Æ÷Á¾ 1¿¹ A Case Report of Adult Nephroblastoma

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Nephroblastoma, which is the most common renal tumor in childhood, has occasional
been reported in adult. Some degree of confusion still exist because of the considerable
variation in histologic structure and origin of this tumor. Diagnosis of nephrotlastoma in
adult is more apt to be accidental and is almost never suspected in adult until
discovered at operation or necropsy.
Recently, we experienced a case of nephroblastoma in 61 year old male patient with
chief complaints of lower abdominal an6 back pain and urinary difficulty for 20 days.
IVP reveals nonfunctioning left kidney and RGP stows marked narrowing of
uretero-pelvic junction. So nephrectomy was done under the impression of renal pelvic
tumor. Grossly, the tumor is rather firm and well circumscribed, measuring 4¡¿3 cm in
dimension and locating renal pelvic portion with adhesion to renal capsule and perirenal
fatty tissue. Cut surface shows gray yellow in color with areas of multifocal necrosis
and slit-like narrowing of pelvic lumen by surrounding tumor with intact mucosa.
microscopically, the tumor consisted of mainly spindle shaped undifferentiated
mesenchymal cell and occasionally intermingled with abortive glomeruli and tubules
associated with multifocal necrosis.
A brief review of literature pertinent to this case was done.


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