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±Þ¼º°ñ¼öÁ¤ ¹éÇ÷º´°ú µ¿¹ÝµÈ ´ëÀåÀÇ Malakoplakia 1¿¹º¸°í Malakoplatia of the Colon and Lymphnode (Report of a case associated with acute myelocytic leukemia)

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 4È£ p.487 ~ 490
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A case of malakoplakia involving colon and lymphnode in a 57 year old Korean
woman was reported.
This patient was brought to medical attention because of pain and redness of the left
neck and bloody diarrhea of 3 months duration. After admission to the Ewha Womans
University hospital she wart found to have a masts in the rectum, which wag biopsied
and showed nodular infiltrations of histiocytes and plasma cells. These von Hansemann
histiocytes contained many Michaelis-Gutmann bodies that gave positive reaction to
Periodic acid-Schiff, Gomori iron and von Kossa stains. Essentially same histological
features were noted in the neck and inguinal lymptnode biopsies. Cultures of stool and
lymphnodes yielded Proteus vulgaris and Proteus miratilis, respectively. Peripheral blood
and bone marrow examinations revealed 20¡­60% and 41% myelotlasts in each, being
compatible with acute myelocytic leukemia.
This case is the third carte of malakoplakia in the Korean literature. And the
association of acute myelocytic leukemia with malakoplakia seems to be an extremely
rare even in the world literatures.


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