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ÜùË£ßÒàÍ àÍðþ 2çÓ Parathyroid Adenomas -A report of 2 cases-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 13±Ç 4È£ p.511 ~ 514
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Á¶ÁøÈñ(ðáòäý÷)/Chin Hee Cho


During the past 4 years the author experienced 2 crises of parathyroid adenoma which
were diagnosed by the histopathological examination of the tumor mass removed by the
surgical operation.
The first case was a 22 year old male. The adenoma was located at the right lower
portion of the thyroid area, and weighed 5.2 grams.
The second case was a 39 year old female, and the tumor was also located at the
right lower portion of the thyroid area, and weighed 2.0 grams.
Microscopically, the first cases showed predominantly chief cells, mixed with small
number of transtional and oxyphilic cells. The second case showed mainly chief cells,
but some number of water clear cells transitional cells and oxyphilic cells were also
A brief review of the literature and a discussion on the clinicopathological correlations
were made.


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