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ÍéâÐ û¡òõá¬ôÁ¿¡ μÇÑ Ëþßã (ð¯ì£ÜÃ) Plasimacytosis in the Bone Marrow

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 2È£ p.31 ~ 38
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ÇѱԼ·(ùÛФàð)/K. S. Hahn ¹éÀαâ(ÛÜìÒÐñ)/¹Ú¸í°Å(ÚÓÙ¥)/Á¶ÇÑÀÍ(ðáùÓìÍ)/±è»óÀÎ(ÐÝßÓìÒ)/I. K. Paik/M. H. Park/H. I. Cho/S. I. Kim


The authors made an analysis on 582 cases of bone marrow Plasmacytosis out of
2,896 cases performed during the last 13 years from 1966 to 1978 at the Department of
Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital. Cases having 2% or more of
plasma cells in differential count were selected, and the results were as follows :
1) The older patients showed the more bone marrow plasmacytosis in general, and
this tendency was more prominent in 299 cases of aplastic anemia and 54 cases of
Korean hemorrhagic fever.
2) Diseases with prominent bone marrow plasmacytosis other than multiple myeloma
in decreasing order of degree were ; aplastic anemia, typhoid fever, hemolytic anemia,
Korean hemorrhagic fever, tuberculosis, malignancies with or without bone marrow
metastasis, collagen diseases, leukemias (especially acute monocytic and granulocytic),
iron deficiency and other types of anemias, liver cirrhosis and idiopathic thrombo-
cytopenic purpura.
3) In cases of Korean hemorrhagic fever, the patients in oliguric stage showed more
prominent bone marrow plasmacytosis than those in diuretic stage.
4) In aplastic anemia, the patients with bone marrow plasmacytosis showed more
prominent hyperglobulinemia than those without plasmacytosis.
5) The incidence of plasmacytic satellitosis was significantly higher in cases having
both bone marrow plasmacytosis and serum hyperglobulinemia compared to cases having
neither of them. This finding was more Prominent in cases of Korean hemorrhagic


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