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Ôéù«ÀÇ Pilar Tumor 1çÓ Pilar Tumor of the Scalp -Report of a Case-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 2È£ p.81 ~ 84
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Çã¹Ì°¢(úÉÚ¸ÊÅ)/Mi Kyung Hur ÀÌÁ¾¹«(×Ýñ£Ùë)/Chong Moo Lee


A pilar tumor of the scalp is a rare tumor of the squamous epithelium occurring in
the scalp area.
We have experienced a case of 12 year old female who had a small, but slowly
growing tumor mass of 1 cm in diameter in the scalp of the mid-parietal region.
Under the clinical impression of a sebaceous cyst, an excisional biopsy of the mass
was done. Crossly the cut surface of lesion was an indistinctly defined, gray tan, solid
and rubbery mass of 1cm dimension showing friable, soft material. Microscopically the
lesion was composed of irregularly shaped lobules of squamous epithelium, in many
areas undergoing rather abrupt change into amorphous eosinophilic keratin material.
A moderate irregularity in the nuclear morphology was found. However, mitoses were
infrequent, and obvious microscopic findings of malignancy were not found. On the basis
of these findings, a diagnosis of pilar tumor of the scalp wag made.
A brief review of this entity particularly on the current opinions about the
histogenesis and the biological behavior of this neoplasm was made.


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