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Cryptococcosis 4çÓ ÜÃͱ Cryptococcosis-A report of four cases-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 3È£ p.75 ~ 80
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Áö¿µÈñ(ò®çÈýï)/Young Hee Jee ħ»óÀÎ(öØßÓìÒ)/ÀÌÁ¾¹«(ì°ñ£Ùë)/Sang In Shim/Chong Moo Lee


Cryptococcosis is widespread throughout the world, which may arise in healthy
individuals, but more commonly it occurs as an opportunistic infection, particularly in
the immunodeficient persons and those having some form of leukemia, lymphoma or
Hodgikin's disease etc.
We experienced 4 cases of cryptococcosis. The first case was associated with probable
malignant lymphoma in a 64-year old woman who was admitted with complaint of high
fever. The second case followed kidney transplantation in a 24-year old man, who was
admitted with complaint of multiple subcutaneous nodule on the whole body. The third
case involved the cervical lymphnode in a 8-year old boy who was admitted with
complaint of palpable mass on the neck. The last case of the four was a disseminated
cryptococcosis in a 21-year old woman who was admitted with complaints of high fever
and maculopapular eruption. The current concept on the pathogenesis and biological
behavior of this entity was discussed, with a brief review of the literature.


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