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¿¬Á¶Á÷(æãðÚòÄ)¿¡ ¹ß»ýµÈ ¿¬°ñÁ¾(æãÍéðþ) -1Áõ·Ê º¸°í Chondroma of Soft Tissue

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.17 ~ 0
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Chondroma of soft tissue is relatively uncommon and only sporadic cases have been
descrited in the literature(Stout, et al. Lichtenstein, et a1 and Shellite, et al), until recent
extensive reviews of extraskeletal chondroma which were done by Dahlin, et al(70
cases) and Chung, et al(104 cases) .
Most of the tumors occurred in the hand and feet as a small mass usually less than 3
cm. In the second and third decades with only a few cases observed at other sites such
as skeletal muscle, nasopharynx, cheek, tongue and subcutaneous region. Its clinical
significance lied in the considerable difficulty in diagnosis, because some of them were
closely resembled to the extraskeletal chondrosarcoma or myxosarcoma, but its etiology
is not yet established.
This paper deals with a case of large chondroma of soft tissue occurred in the left foot
ankle of a 23- year- old male who admitted to the Korean Army Hospital with foreign
body sensation and mild restriction of joint motion for a year.


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