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À¯¾Æ¿¡ »ý±ä ÃéÀå¾Ï Infantile Carcinoma of Pancreas in Korea-A case report

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.23 ~ 26
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Á¶ÇýÁ¦/Hye Jae Che ÁÖÁ¾Àº/ÀÌÇõ»ó/°íÀÏÇâ/¹é³«È¯/Jong Bun Joo/Hyuk Sang Lee/Ill Hyang Ko/Nak Whan Paik


A case primary carcinoma of the pancreas in a 4 years o14 Korean male is presented.
A large mass, 11¡¿9¡¿8, in the tail with direct invasion to the splenic parenchyma and
metastasis to the regional surgery, the patient developed liver metastasis 15 month later
and eventually death ensued at 22 months postoperatively.
Despite the radical surgery, the patient developed liver metastasis 15 months later and
eventually death ensured at 22 months postoperatively.
On light microscopic examination, most areas simulated an well differentiated acinar
carcinoma with occasional foci of islet like configuration and squamous metaplasia.
This was supported by electron microscopy which revealed zymogen granules of acinar
cells in the tumor cells.
These features, common to other reported cases in one way or the other, have been
suggested as a peculiarity of childhood pancreatic carcinoma.
Carcinoma of the pancreas, infantile type, is one of the very rare malignant tumor and
less than 50 cases are reported in English literatures.
To our knowledge this probable is the first reported case in Korea.


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