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À¯¾Æ ¹æ±¤¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ È¾¹® ±ÙÀ°Á¾ 1¿¹ A case of Rhabdomyosarcdma(Sarcoma botryoides) of Bladder in a Child

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.27 ~ 30
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Sarcoma botryoides, which is a variant of embryonal type of rhabdomyosarcoma, is
rare tumor. The embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma arise histogenetically from the tissue
derived from the mesenchyme of the urogenital ridge. Grossly, they assume a lobulated
or grapelike appearance whence comes the name "botryoid" sarcoma.
We have recently experienced a case of sarcoma botryoides of the bladder and
prostate in a 6-year-old toy who was admitted to Han Yang University Hospital on
September 19, 1979. The bladder was filled with multiple, soft, polypoid, gray nodules.
On section, the cut surface of the tumor mass has shown translucent and gelatinous
appearance. Microscopically, the tumor mass has shown a loose textured area and
compactness. The transitional epithelium on the bladder was intact and a cambium layer
of Nicholson was present just beneath the mucous membrane. The neoplastic cells were
spindled, oval and rarely multinucleated.
No striation was found on the Phosphotungustic acid hematoxylin stain.


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