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°áÇÙ¼º Àå¿°¿¡ µ¿¹ÝµÈ À̼Ҽº À§Á¡¸· 1¿¹ A Case of Aberrant Pyloric Glands in Tuberculous Enteritis-accompanying with multiple stenosis of small intestine

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.34 ~ 37
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Heterotopic gastric mucosa in small intestine, other than in Meckel's diverticulum or
other congenital anomalous conditions, is exceedingly rare.
The origin of ectopic gastric mucosa in small intestine is open to conjecture.
Two concepts have been presented in the literature that these lesions represent.
Congenital anomalies or that they arise by metaplasia from existing or neoplastic
intestinal epithelium.
We experienced a case of aberrant pyloric glands and gastric mucosa in tuberculous
enteritis accompanying with multiple stensis of small intestine.
A 23 year old female who admitted to Dept. of internal medicine, because of
generalized abdominal pain and tenderness for 2 months.
Grossly, segmentally resected small intestine, consisted of jejunum and ileum measuring
150 cm in length which showed 11 stenotic areas.
The length of stenotic segments measured from 1 cm to 5 cm.
Opening the intestine, the mucosa is relatively intact except above mentioned areas
which revealed flattening of Kerckring's valves and smooth mucosal surface
accompaning with irregular shaped or pin point sized ulcers.
Microscopically, the stenotic areas reveal chronic granulomatous inflammation with
caseous in the mucosa, submucosal Iymphoid follicles, muscular layer, subserosa and
mesenteric lymph nodes.
The overlying small intestinal mucosa of those areas partly or totally replaced gastric
mucosa and pyloric glands.
Acute nonspecific ulceration of the mucosa was also found.
Mesenteric lymph nodes revealed a few number of acid fast organisms on
Ziehl-Neelson stain
A brief review of the interature was done.


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