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°³½É¼úȯÀÚ¿¡ À־ÀÇ Ç÷û Creatine Phosphokinase isoenzyme ºÐȹ»ó Serum Creatine Phosphokinase Isoenzymes in Open Heart Patients

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.62 ~ 68
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Á¤±¸¿ø/Koo Weon Jeong ±èº´¿­/À¯È¸¼º/Á¶¸íÁØ/Byung Yul Kim/Hoe Sung Yu/Myong Joon Cho


Total CPK and the heart-specific isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase(CPK-MB)
values have been studied during operative and postoperative periods in 13 patients
undergoing open heart surgery, using cellulose acetate electrophoresis.
The results were:
1) Total CPK value of normal control group was 29¡¾6.0 U/L (mean¡¾S.D.) and only
MM-fraction was observed.
2) Preoperative total CPK value was 49¡¾50.7 U/L(mean¡¾S.D.) and preoperative
MB-fraction was not detected in most patients(l1/13), but detected in two patients(2/13)
3) Peak total CPK activity appeared from pump stop to 2nd postoperative day(39¡­49
hours from pump stop) and gradually declined to normal activity by 6th postoperative
4) CPK-MB was first detectable during the period of cardiopulmonary bypass in about
46% of cases(6/13).
5) Peak MB isoenzyme was demonstrable during the period of pump stop to 1st
postoperative day(16¡­25 hours from pump stop) in 12 cases out of 13.
6) Duration of sustained CPK-MB showed no correlation with cardiopulmonary bypass
and aortic cross-clamping time.
7) In cases showing relatively persistant CPK-MB, the peak total CPK and MB
isoenzyme values were higher and remained for longer period of time, than transient
CPK-MB group.
8) 2 cases showing preoperative CPK-MB died postoperatively.


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