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Campylobacter fetus ÆÐÇ÷Áõ 1¿¹ Campylobacter fetus Septicemia in a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis and Diabetes Mellitus

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.67 ~ 72
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ÀÌ°æ¿ø/Kyung Won Lee ¹Ú¾ÖÀÚ/Á¤À±¼·/À̻■/ÃÖÈïÀç/Ae Ja Park/Yung Sop Ghong/Samul Y. Lee/Heung Jai choi


Bacteremic infection of Campylobacter fetus in man is a rare disease. In October 1980,
C. fetus subsp. intestinalis was isolated from blood specimens of a 57-fear-old male
with liver cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus. Ascites from the same patient did not show
any growth. Clinical status of; the patient and bacteriological characteristics of the
isolate were herewith presented.
Also presented is a review of our 3 previous cases.
1) All of the disolates from the patients of Yonssi Medical Center were C. fetus sutsp.
2) All of the 4 patients were males of 38-year-old or over. They had one or more of
underlying diseases such as subacute bacterial endocarditis, colon carcinoma, diabetes
mellitus and liver cirrhosis etc. Three out of four patients expired.
3) The patients showed fever of 36,6-38.5¡£C and WBC count of 3,100-33,900/¥ì1 with
74-96% segmented neutrophils.
4) The positive cultures were defected after a long incubation of 4-12 days in brain
heart infusion, tryptic soy broth or thioglycollate medium. The isolates were susceptible
to practically all antibiotics tested.


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