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Malignant histiocytosis is a fatal disease chatacterized by systemic proliferation of
atypical, neoplastic and erythrophagocytic histiocytes.
A Case of malignant histiocytosis with multiple nodular cutaneous involvement and
eosinoptilia, in a 18 year-old male, was diagnosed on the third skin biopsy and reported.
The first and second biopies shoved polymorphous, cellular infiltrates around the blood
vessel and skin appendages in the lower dermis and diffuse infiltrates in the
subcutaneous tissue. The infiltrates were composed of histiocytes, eosinophils,
Iymphocytes and plasma cells without significant cellular atypism or abnormal mitoses.
The third biopsy, which was performed 6 months later, when he readmitte4 due to
aggrevation of the symptoms, showed monomorphous atypical histiocytic infiltrate with
cellular atypism, abnormal mitoses, and erythrophagocytosis. Eosinophils, Iymphocytes
and plasma cell infiltrates were markedly decreased. Brief review of the literatures with
special reference to the association of cutaneous involvement and eosinophilia was made.


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