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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 2È£ p.160 ~ 165
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ÃÖ»ïÀÓ(õËß²ìò)/Sam Im Choi À¯ÁÖ¿ë(׳ñºé»)/Joo Yong Too


The effects of fractionated CCl4 pretreatments on the hepatotoxicity of
CCl4 were studied. Rats were pretreated twice with subcutaneous
injections of CCl4(0.05m1/100g, 0.1m1/100g) and saline (0.1-0.2m1/100g).
At 72 hours after pretreaments, 0.2m1/100g of CCl4 was given
intraperitoneally, and the animals were sacrificed 24 hours later.
Functional and morphological alterations of the liver were as follows.
1) Pretreatnlents of rats with CCl4(especially in 0.1m1/100g) results in a
significant increase in SGOT, SGPT and Alk-Pase level, and a decrease in serum
cholesterol level.
2) Rats pretreated with CCl4 showed more extensive fatty degeneration
and necrosis of the hepatocytes and PAS-positive granules in the tepatocytes were
decreased more intensively than in saline-pretreated rats.
3) In the CCl4-pretreated rats(especially in 0.1m1/100g), Acid-PaBe
activity was markedly increased, but Alk-Pase activity was decreased in the hepatic
tissue. There was any difference in ATPase activity of the hepatocytes were not
observed in each group of rats.


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