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Shigella flexneri¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¼Ò¾ÆÁú¿° 2¿¹ Two Cases of Pediatric Vaginitis due to Shigella flexneri

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Vaginitis in children is common, but there is a dearth of literature dealing with this
problems. It is important to realize that vaginal mucosa of children is thin and neutral
in pH, closely proximate to anus and urethra and poor in hygienic status of
surrounding area. Most cases of vaginitis in children are considered nonspecific since no
obvious etiologic agent can be proven.
This report presents two cases of vaginitis due to Shigella flexneri. Both cases showed
no diarrhea and urinary Problems. The organisms showed alkaline slant, acid butt on
KIA, mannitol positive, indole negative, no H2S and no mobility. Slide
agglutination test revealed complete agglutination with polyvalent B antiserum


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