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¾ç¼º ¹× ¾Ç¼º ³­¼Ò°©»ó¼±Á¾ 2¿¹ º¸°í Benign and Malignant Strufna Ovarii

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 3È£ p.282 ~ 287
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ÀåÀº¼÷(íåëÚâ×)/Eun Sook Chang


The presence of small foci of thyroid tissue within benign cystic teratoma(dermoids) of
the ovary is not uncommon. The reported incidence of this finding has varied from 1.5
to 28.5%. In these instances the thyroid tissue has no clinical significance.
On the other hand, tumors composed largely and/or only thyroid tissue demonstrating
physiologic activity or pathologic aberrations are uncommon, and tumors fulfilling one of
these criteria may be included as examples of "Struma ovarii."
The incidence of malignant change in struma ovarii must be less than 1%.
The purpose of this paper is to report 2 cases of benign and malgniant struma ovarii
treated at Prestyteran medical center, Taegu in January and February, 1981, and to
review briefly the literatures.


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