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³ó¼º°Ëü¿¡¼­ÀÇ Salmonella ºÐ¸® Salmonella Isolated from Purulent Specimens

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 4È£ p.409 ~ 414
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ÀÓâÇö/Chang Hyun Rhim ÃÖ¿µ¼÷/Á¤À±¼·/À̻■/À¯¿µÇØ/Young Sook Choi/Yunsop Chong/Samuel T. Lee/Younghat Ryu


Aside from the usual intestinal infections of salmonella, suppurative infections of
different anatomic sites have been increasingly reported.
During the period of 1977 to 1980, the authors isolated salmonella from 12 specimens
obtained from unusual anatomic sites of patients at Yonsei Medical Center. The
specimens or sources of isolation and diagnosis or underlying conditions were CSF with
subdural abscess. CSF with meningitis, abscess of right neck with mediastinal
teratoma, throat with patent ductus arteriosus, chest wall abscess with septic arthritis,
rib abscess with tuberculous chondritis, osteomyelitis of humerus, osteomyelitis of tibia,
psoas abscess, tubo-ovarian abscess, placenta with incomplete abortion, and
retroperitoneal abscess with diabetes mellitus.
Isolated salmonella were S. typhi 4, S.paratyphi-A 4, S.hirschfeldii(S. paratyphi-C) 2,
and Salmonella group D 2.
It can be said that salmonella abscess are not different clinically from other
suppurative lesions, and the correct etiological diagnosis can be made solely on the basis
of bacterial culture.


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