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Ç×»ýÁ¦ ¼Ó¹ß¼º À§¸·¼º ´ëÀå¿° Antibiotic-associated Pseudomembranous Colitis

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Four cases of pseudomemtranous colitis following antibiotic therapy are reported.
Special attention is focused on clinical manifestations and histologic features.
The clinical manifestation along with history is quite characteristic, if not specific,
suggesting the colonic lesions to be post-antibiotic. Colonoscopic examination is
diagnostic in four cases studied, and the lesions consist of discrete 0.2 to 2cm raised
plaques adherent to an edematous, friable mucosa.
The pathologic picture in pseudomembranous colitis is quite distinctive. The
diagnostichistological findings include a "mushroom" or "volcano" appearance of the
pseudomembrane with sudden transition to normal mucosa adjacent to the lesion.


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