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´ë³ú ½ÇÁú¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ¼ö¸·Á¾ÀÇ 1¿¹ A Case of Intracerebral Menigioma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 4È£ p.462 ~ 465
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A cases of intracerebral meningioma, arising from the left frontal lobe of the brain
was reported. A 14-year-old Korean female was admitted to the department of
Neurosurgery, in BNUH, 1981, because of lateral deviation of the left pupil and visual
disturbance of the left eye. She had suffered from headache and lateral deviation of the
left pupil for one year.
On physical examination at admission, there was narrowed visual field, fixed left pupil
to upward medial gaze. The cerebrospinal examination reveals within normal limit. On
carotid angiography, the anterior cerebral artery was found backward displacement of
proximal portion. The brain CT scan showed well circumscribed enhancing tumorous
mass of the left frontal lobe, that was surrounded by marked edema and compressed
frontal horn with 3-4mm intracranial shifting to right.
On left frontal craniotomy dural tension was found to be normal without any evidence
of staining. With the dura opened, the gyri were seen to be flattened and the sulci
somewhat effaced. Tumor tissue not noticeable at the brain surface. The frontal lobe
showed increased consistency. Incision of the cortex produced a sharply demarcated
tumor in a depth of 1cm, which was removed totally.
Grossly the specimen consisted of several pieces of gray white irregular masses with
elastic rubery consistency. The cut surfaces of them disclosed gray white homogenous
tissue with no hemorrhage and necrosis. Histologically, the tumorous masses were
composed of whorl formations of elongated and crescent-shaped meningioma cells with a
central capillary. There was a few psammoma bodies in the whorls. In some place, there
was also noted meningiotheliomatous meningioma cells.


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