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ºÎ½ÅÀÇ °Å´ë¼¼Æ÷Áõ Cytomegaly of the Adrenal Gland

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 15±Ç 4È£ p.472 ~ 475
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Cytomegaly, a unique and interesting morphologic change seen in the fetal zone of
human adrenal gland, was first introduced by Kampmeier in 1927 as giant epithelial cells
of the human fetal adrenal gland.
It has been further described by Craig and Landing, Potter and Morrison, and
Potter(1952) termed it "Cytomegaly of the adrenal gland."
Although adrenal cytomegaly has coexistent conditions such as several congenital
anomalies, erythroblastosis fetalis, congenital syphilis and Beckwith-Wiefemann
syndrome, etc., the significance of it is not yet elucidated.
We have reported three autopsy cases of adrenal cytomegaly. This three cases
represent 0.42% in incidence of total 850 fetal and neonatal autopsies and 0.3% in
incidence among 1,000 autopsies including adults. All three cases were found in fetus of
20 weeks of gestational age, still-birth baby of 37 weeks gestational age and newborn
infant of 1 day old. One of three cases was associated with congenital syphilis. The
other case showed adrenal cytomegaly in heterotopic adrenal nodule found in
paratesticular area, and another case revealed in the adrenal gland without other
combined disease.


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