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ÒàÀÇ á³Îïá¬øàðþ 1çÓ A Case of Microglioma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.95 ~ 97
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À̾ÈÈñ(ì°äÌý÷)/An Hi Lee Àå¼®Áø(Ë©à¸äÒ)/ÀÌÁ¤¹®(×Ýñ£î£)/Seok Jin Gang/Chong Moo Lee


A case of microglioma of the train in a 45-year-old man, diagnosed by the
histopathological examination of the tumor mass removed by Surgical operation was
Presented. The tumor with somewhat ill defined outlines was located at the left frontal
inferior portion of the right cerebellum. Microscopically, there was diffuse infiltration of
the train wilt tumor cells forming collars around the blood vessels. Various tumor cell
elements are mostly mixed with lymphocytes. Gomori's silver stain reveal an increased
perivascular reticulin fibers and splitting of the reticulin fibers by the tumor cells.


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