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Granular cell tumor is relatively uncommon lesion appearantly peculiar to man with
Incertain histogenesis. It arises most commonly in the tongue but the brochus is rarely
the site of this tumor.
The present paper is a report on a case of granular cell tumor arising from the left
lower lobe bronchus. 29-year old korean women was admitted to BNUH on November,
1978, because of productive cough, hemophtysis and chest pain for 15 years. She was
well until 15 year of age, when she had been treated with drugs, under the diagnosis of
pulmonary tuberculosis for 2 years with no effect at local clinic.
The physical examination on admission revealed moist coarse rales on the left lower
lung field. An X-ray films of the chest showed radioopaque density with peumonic
infiltration on the left lower lobe. Bronchogram revealed bronchiectasis at this lesion.
Under the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, the left pneumonectomy was performed. Grossly
the left lung was not remarkable except for a palpable small firm mass on the left
lower lobe. On section, there was a small peduncleated polypoid gray white mass within
the left bronchus with partial obstruction of its lumen. The neoplasm extended through
the wall of the bronchus to Peribronchial tissue and adjacent lung parenchyma. It
measured about 2cm in the long diameter. Histologically the neoplasm was consisted of
diffuse sheets of large octal to polygonal cells that had abundant fine granular
cytoplasm and a small central to eccentric nuclei. The cells were disposed in shall
groups, separately from each other by dedicated fibrous stroma. The ful1 thickness of
the underlying wall of the bronchus, peribronchieal tissue and even adjacent pulmonary
tissue were diffusely infiltrated by tumor cells.


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