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°øÀå Àå°£¸·ÀÇ À¯¹Ì¸Æ°üÁ¾(êáæõØæηðþ) -1Áõ·Ê º¸°í- Chylangioma of the Mesentery -A Case Report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.111 ~ 116
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Lymphangioma(chylangioma) of the mesentery is one of the extremely rare tumor and
only a few cases were reported in the literature as chylous cyst, mesenteric cyst and
cystic lymphangioma. Recently, authors experienced a huge cavernous lymphangioma of
the mesentery of the jejunum and herein reported with literature review.
The patient was a 27 year old Korean female who admitted to the Hospital on Aug.
4, 1981 because of colicky abdominal Pain at Postpartum 3rd day. She had teen
experienced several epidoses of intermittent colicky abdominal pain since Feb. '81.
Routine laboratory findings were within normal limits except simple abdomen X-ray
revealed step ladder pattern suggesting mechanical intestinal obstruction. At operation a
huge partly cystic and grayish white soft mass along the mesenteric border was noted.
So segmental resection of jejunum with its mesenteric mass was performed and end to
end anastomosis was fore. Hospital course was good and uneventful. Submitted
specimen consisted of a 55 §¯. long small bowel (jejunum) with attached mesenteric
mass, measuring 25¡¿10. 5¡¿6 §¯. in maximum dimension and its bread attachment to
the mesenteric border of jejunum was 43 cm. Cut surface was smooth and grayish
white with doughy consistency. Cut surface exhibited both multicystic spaces with
milkish chyle and yellowish honeyomb portions. Multiple polypoid elevations and
hypertrophy of mucosa of jejunum were also noted. Microscopic findings were those of
typical cavernous lymphangioma involving both jejunum and its mesentery.


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